Are You Ready for the Festivus 5K and 10K Challenge?

Are You Ready for the Festivus 5K and 10K Challenge? Main Photo

7 Aug 2023


Lace up your running shoes and embrace the Head for the Hills - Festivus 5K and 10K challenge!  Conquer Alpine Hill's breathtaking views of Burkesville and the Cumberland River Valley on August 19th. Check-In/Registration starts at 7:00 AM at Cumberland County Welcome Center. Let's run together!  #HeadfortheHills #Festivus5K #BurkesvilleKY

Conquer Alpine Hill and the Cumberland River Valley: Head for the Hills - Festivus 5K and 10K!

The Head for the Hills - Festivus 5K and 10k  is one of the feature events of the River Festivus held each year in Burkesville, Kentucky. Join us for an adventure up, down, and around Alpine Hill that overlooks the City of Burkesville and the Cumberland River Valley. The Festivus 5K and 10k is scheduled for August 19th at 8:00 AM Central Standard Time. Check-In/Registration will start at 7:00 AM on the square in Burkesville at Cumberland County Welcome Center located at 111 Hill Street.

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